Thursday 27 December 2018

“Langkawi trip was not perfect, but it was definitely the best one I’ve ever had.”

“Langkawi trip was not perfect, but it was definitely the best one I’ve ever had.”

A Travelog by: Sharil Tarmize, 28 December 2018.

Everyone stepped out of the bus and looked tired as their souls just got sucked out of their body by a 90 year old virgin. I looked at watch to see what time was that and it was 6.00am. After 10 hours of sitting in the bus and listening to the bus driver awful singing voice in the bus, we were finally in Kuala Perlis. We stopped at Al Hussain mosque in Kuala Perlis for Subuh and to get freshen up before we started our journey. However, two police officers came to our bus to have a chat with the driver. According to Shaffiqul Alif, he saw those officers following us since 30 minutes ago. Probably because the way our bus driver drove his bus. It was just pretty fast. 

Al Hussain Mosque near Kuala Perlis Jetty was our first pit stop for Subuh

Since our ferry ride was at 7 am, we got to see the sunrise from inside the ferry. I still hate my phone for running out of battery when I wanted to capture that moment. At least I’ve seen it with my eyes so I’m good. The ferry ride took 1 hour and I was basically sleeping and been zoning out a little since morning. It was probably because of the bus ride. Imagine sleeping while sitting for 10 hours while being a 181cm tall human being. As we got out of our ferry, our eyes were treated nicely and beautifully by the nature.

Our ferry ride to Langkawi Island

Small group photo when we arrived in Langkawi.

Our first activity, which was explorace, was located at the bottom of Mount Mat Cinchang, where they have a lot of cool places in that area such as 3D art museum that has a lot of cool murals that you freely take pictures with it. The groups for explorace was divided randomly and I got to team up with Mila, Aqil, Fitri and Iqhram. In Bunny Zone, they actually let you touch, hug or play with the rabbits. You can also feed them and we could do all that for free because it was a part of the ticket that we had already paid. 

Mount Mat Cinchang from below.

Our team was the last to take the cable car.

However, our team got left behind when we were trying to figure out whether we should go The Seven Wells Waterfall or not. We were almost rented a van that would cost us RM60 just to get us all there. Luckily Sir Khalil mentioned that he didn’t say you should go there. Our head was miserable and tired we couldn’t even focus on the tasks. But one thing I love about my team is the team spirit. We never leave anyone behind and that could be the reason we were the last team to take the SkyCab.

'The SkyCab'
Late, but still made it.

Amazing view from the first check point.

The Skycab is actually a cable car that will bring you up the Mount Mat Cinchang to the SkyBrigde. To be honest, when I saw how high the cable car went up, I almost chickened out. I have a big fear of height. But the 5 minutes cable car ride has made me got over that fear. The view was too nice to be afraid of the heights. Up there, we took a tramp from up there to get to SkyBridge. We did a Bollywood themed video up there as one of our tasks for explorace. We didn’t really get to enjoy much since we were the last group to arrive up there. Those people who were waiting for us would be pissed if we were twice as late. 

Langkawi SkyBridge can be seen from inside the SkyCab.

Our explorace ended with no winners and no losers. (at least that’s what Sir Khalil told us.) We got in the bus around 3pm and everyone was as hungry as a homeless man in NYC. The bus driver took our hungry asses to Restoran Selera Kampung and the food was meh. Meanwhile Iqhram was charged almost RM20 for his luch. Seafood is extremely expensive in Langkawi. Here’s a piece of advice, avoid consuming seafood if you’re travelling on a budget. 

The boys getting their belly filled

Don't go here the food was meh.

Fully-filled tummy faces.

So, our first meal in Langkawi was disappointing. At the hotel, something else happened where we needed to add extra room since the room given weren’t ‘enough’ to fit us all. We paid RM7 each to rent another room for another 3 of us. When everyone was inside their rooms, I saw Hana, the project director of this trip was sitting alone outside of our hotel. I went down to her and I saw her crying.

I was like ‘dammit we just got here..’ She explained to me that she has arranged everything in order but because some of us didn’t want to be in a separate room with our friends, she had to open up another room. There were supposed to be 4 people in a room but somehow, there were 4 rooms with only 3 people in it and 1 room with only 2 people in it. This was the real reason why the rooms weren’t enough.

I think I realized when I was there, there were so many people threw hatred toward Hana. Almost everyone I chill with talked shit about her behind her back. I’m not taking any side but it was a class trip man. Throw you whole ego away and communicate if you have anything to say. I looked at this situation and was like ‘I had to take over for the sake of this trip.’

Cut to 4 hours later in the night, we went to Chenang Beach since it was our free time. The boys rented some motorcycles while Mimie and the gang rented a car. Since the girls in my batch, Shafiqah, Mila and Fitri were planning to take grab, I offer myself to go with them so we can divide the grab free into a smaller unit.  One our first night, everyone went out except for Hana, who chose to sleep her sorrow away in the room. Ang Ng Tat nearly got left behind when he was dead sleeping in his room. Luckily he woke up just before Mimie went out so he could joined them. Sir Khalil also joined the 30-minute motorcycle ride to Chenang with the boys and that was total cool move.

These motorcycles were rented by the boys.

Sir Khalil joining the ride to Chenang.

As my grab arrived at Chenang beach, we get ourself some pizza. It was haiwaian chicken and it was good. Not sure wheter it was good because it was really good or I just liked the company. I usually don’t enjoy pinapple on my pizza but this time everything tasted better. We later bumped into the boys and went straight to the beach. Sir Khalil treated the students two jars of shisha. They were basically chatting, playing games and connecting to each other. 

This pizza was amazingly amazing!

While for me, December has always been an emotional month for me. It’s my birthday month and the trip took off during my birthday. I took a long walk at Chenang beach during that night to walk my petty feelings off my chest. I was accompanied by Shafiqah throughout the walk. I just loved the feeling of walking on the beach sand without wearing any shoes. An hour later we got back to our friends and chill with them. We got back at our hotel rooms at 2.30.

The emotional night walk brought us here.
The second day was actually my favorite. I was having fun the whole 24 hours. We started our Island hopping activity at 9am. Since the jetty is pretty much near our hotel, we walked to the jetty. The 15 minutes boat ride was phenominal. The ocean really took me away and I believe it did the same to my friends. Our first destination was Beras Basah Island. There, we got to swim the hell out of the ocean. Sadly, one of the monkeys in that island stole Shafiqah’s nasi lemak on our way back to the boat. It was kinda funny to me but definitely not to her. But I truly understand why.

My first boat ride ever because I'm lame.

The entrance of Beras Basah Island.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Some of them gurlssss

Cry me a river, I've got the ocean.

Our bus for second day. Fight back to school!

After that we went to Pulau Dayang Bunting. I wish we could spend 3-4 hours there. Everything was amazing in the lake. There were paddleboats you can take. I didn’t take any picture because I was too busy enjoying my last trip. After Dayang Bunting Island, we went back to the hotel to rest around 1pm.

On the evening, Hana planned to take us to Chenang Beach with a bus but since a lot of us went there already last night, almost everyone didn’t want to go. The trip consisted of 27 people but 21 of us already responding saying we don’t want to go. At this time I was thinking it would be a shame if you go 5-6 people with a big bus.

To overcome this matter, we Malaikat maut has cancelled our plan to follow the others and follow Hana instead. But in order to get others to join us too, we figured out that we needed to come up with a better plan. The updated plan was we visit the Haji Ismail Group for chocolates and souvenir shopping before we go to Chenang for sunset. This time, 14 people followed us. At least it was way better than 5 people right? Luckily, those who followed us got treated by Sir Khalil. Our lunch cost us RM0 thanks to our beloved lecturer. However I’m sorry for my language but the Nasi Ayam tasted like shit. The soup tasted exactly like mineral water. We reached our hotel around 8pm.

Sir Khalil belanja us all hehe

hanging out around Chenang

Pantai Chenang during the evening.

While we were waiting for the sunset.

Take me back :(

On our second night, we had free time again. Unless for photojournalism students, they had something to do with the subject. But however at 10 went to eat together nearby the Jetty. The food this time was okay. I’d be mad as hell if the food tasted like shit. We went to mini pasar in front of the jetty and see what they had to offer but everything was meh.  

our dinner on the second night.

I was thinking that whatever tension that was happening between Hana and Hafiz needed to be sorted out and settled. They both arranged this trip but they were kind of not talking and hating each other. Since we were in Langkawi, there’s no other way to settle this other than a bottle of booze. Miraclously, the open up part was so much easier when both of them were wasted. In the end, they hugged and I consider it was settled by then.

The last day was the most emotional day for me. Since it’s my last trip with them, I had to accept the fact that I’d never see some of them ever again after this since I don’t know where life will take me after this. Even though this trip was filled with flaws and whatnot, but overall I think I enjoyed this trip more than Melaka. In the bus, when we were on our way home, I blasted Radiohead songs in my ears to match my feelings. The ride home took 12 hours but I ain’t complaining. 

Last lunch in Langkawi part 1

Last lunch in Langkawi part 2

Last lunch in Langkawi part 3

The memories I made with them is unforgettable. I want to thank everyone who was involved indirectly or directly in this trip. I hope you all learn something to improve your next trip next semester. It’s okay to mess up a bit since we’re students and we’re learning. Being in charge to gather up to 30 people is not an easy job when people don’t listen to you. But glad everything is fine now. At least Hana and Hafiz could plan a better trip for next semester. 

Stopped at Changlun for a lunch.

Aqil has the longest tongue it's scary.

While waiting for our bus driver

my second Hawaiian pizza hehe.

Mimie spent RM500 for chocolates..

Some of us in Chenang.

The next day in Unisel, I woke up in the afternoon. My body was in pain because I did a lot of break dance moves while I was in Langkawi without stretching first. I scrolled down my library to see all the photos and videos I took in Langkawi and I whispered to myself, “Langkawi trip was not perfect, but it was definitely the best one I’ve ever had.” 

This is my short video about our trip. I made this in the bus on our way home. I hope you enjoy reading my travel log as much as I enjoy writing it. Thank you everyone!


  1. great writing! its as if im there too

    1. I somehow felt like you were there too.. weird isn't it?
