Saturday 29 December 2018

Langkawi? Nope! It's Langka"We"

Langkawi? Nope! It's Langka"We"
By Asyraf Johari 

First of all, I would like to thank all of the people who are involve in this trip. Without you guys, this trip will never succeed. Each of us plays an important role in making this trip the best we ever had. I would recon that this will be one of the trip I've ever been during my years in Unisel. 

We gather at Dewan Biru before departing to Kuala Perlis

The trip to Kuala Perlis is really really long. We had to spend our time in the bus for almost ten hours. I was sleeping, and then I got up because the bus was moving very very fast. The second I woke up, I was caught up with the reflection of the moon reflected by the waters near the paddy. It was very exquisite. Sadly my camera could not take the best picture but the image will stay in my mind for a very long time. I felt like I was in the movie. 

We arrived at Kuala Perlis during Subuh, we all had our stretch as soon as we got out of the bus. I did not take picture at the mosque because I did not know that it will be that important to have but now it is. 

Even in ferry I was busy admiring the sunrise. I did not know that it could be that beautiful in the morning. Maybe if I could be a morning person more frequent I could enjoy sunrise even more. 

It has been my habit to take pictures of others. I love it when the subject did not know that I was taking their pictures. Here's a couple of them. 


As soon as we arrived, we settled out to find a place to eat. We found a very small stall near the jetty. We had roti canai and it was sponsored by my big boss (Sir Khalil) and right after that we went to cable car. 

Actually we had an explorace, it was very tiring because we did not get much time to really settle down. Boom! An explorace involving running, thinking, sweating and all the hardship you could imagine. It was fun, but again I don't really have much pictures of it because I am enjoying the moment. I don't want to miss any of it by being busy taking pictures.

The view from the cable car

Arul right below the cable car
And all the picture I am about to show you is the picture that I got from the 3D museum. It was really amazing that they could paint a picture with so much detail. It is really worth to visit in the future. 


The explorace was fun and tiring. We finish third even when we lost the paper that we should pass to Sir. But nevertheless, it was very great experience. 

We got to the hotel and earlier we had a plan that we should rent motorbikes to go to Chenang. At 7.45 p.m. We rent motorbikes and went for a quick dinner. Since it took forever to make the meal at the restaurant, some of us say that they don't want to go to Chenang. 

The ride was very fun since the bike that I was driving is an automatic or in simpler word, a scooter. It took us 45 minutes to arrived, but it was worth a ride because we never really ride together, like never. The beach was full of activity. There is even a kid who spit fire! Can you imagine? It was a place of tourist attraction. I spend RM4 for a can of Redbull with ice that cost RM2 at local store. What to do? I was very thirsty that time. 

After few hours of lepaking and shisha-ing, we went back. But we use another route that is not the same as the one we used before. I tell you, leading the pack was scary. The road was dark and unfamiliar. Some of us even felt the presence of other entities which is not very welcoming. After speeding most of the time, we arrived at the hotel.

Today is my favourite part of the trip because I love oceans and islands. I would not talk very detail about this but I want the viewers to see how the island and beach is very beautiful. 

I really don't have enough words to describe the joy of this trip. I really really enjoy how it felt. Since this will most probably be my last trip. I can say that this trip is the bomb. With the ups and downs of the trip, I will no longer see each of the person that was involve in the trip as friends, I see them as families. 

I really wish we could relive the moment again and again and nothing can par with the feeling of this trip, even the Melaka trip wasn't as fun as this one. This is me, Anakin signing off! *wiping my tears*

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