Sunday 9 December 2018

3D Camera Nishika N8000

Introducing the Nishika N8000. The looks of the camera is really eye catching because it has four lenses. Yes, you read it right, four lenses. This camera uses four lenses to create an image which is seen like 3D
This camera uses Kodak film. It is like an old fashioned camera. But whats cool about it is that the images is seen like it is living or 3 dimension. Yeah, it is not easy to imagine and that is why I will provide the sample of the end product.

Crazy right? I was amazed by it also. Many of the marketing agency such as JD Sport or Nike are using this kind of material to announce their latest drop or latest footwear because how attractive it can be.

For those who are interested in buying one, the retail price is $299.99 or RM1249.62. For photography enthusiast like myself, I am willing to spend on them (if I have the money). It also depends on your creativity to create image that is outstanding. Happy trying!

1 comment:

  1. If only I have the money to buy this :(
