Sunday 2 December 2018

Ibrahim Ali acknowledges Waytha Moorthy as 'Menteri Celaka'

KUALA LUMPUR: Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali has called out P. Waytha Moorthy over his recent statements on the temple issue and called for his resignation.

He screamed 'menteri celaka' couple times on speaker instead of Minister of Unity and then followed by his followers.

The reason why he said that is because of Waytha Moorthy's actions of blaming the police over the temple issue and later congratulated the police for their work.

According to Ibrahim Ali, Waytha should apologize to the police force and resign after that.

"One minute he’s blaming the police for inaction and the next he has made a U-turn and is praising them, but without apologising for his earlier statement, he said about Waytha Moorthy, who is the Minister of National Unity and Social Wellbeing.

“He should be fired. I also believe his recent statement led to a group in India to claim there were multiple deaths during the riot. He has tarnished the image of our country,”

“Because of him, now there is tension between the races. All these while, all the races have been peaceful,” he said here today before the start of the groups annual general meeting.


  1. i dnt support wat ibrahim ali said but i hate waytha too i think he should go
