Friday 26 October 2018

Meh Meri Cultural Village Is Losing Its Attraction,

KLANG: Located in Pulau Carey, Meh Meri Cultural Village is a one stop place for people to learn about the history of Orang Asli. Apart of being educational to the public, this place needs a lot of improvements. 

 This place contains a restaurant, Rumah Moyang, Games and Gallery.  The entrance fees are acceptable  as in RM7 per person (adult) and RM5 (children) . This place used to be an attractive place but now it is losing its attraction because they are still using old facilities.

It is fun to learn how to use a blowpipe and handmade bow and arrows but it is time to make a new one. The current ones are already broken and in poor conditions. Plus, the visitors need to pay RM15 to rent an old bike inside this place.
It would be better if the management of this place appointed somebody as a tour guide. It would make people feel closer to Orang Asli rather than just reading about the history of Orang Asli inside the gallery.
According to Munirah, a worker at Meh Meri Cultural Village, this place has been operating for 3 years for now. “it is the right time to bring back the golden era of Orang Asli by improving this place so others could learn and adapt to our culture and society.” She added.


  1. this place desperately needs an upgrade.
